Each quarter, our top-notch schools turn in QPR's (quarterly progress reports), so that the Go Green Initiative family of schools can keep track of just how much great work they are accomplishing. Our latest recycling numbers are incredible!
Here's what our schools have kept out of their local landfills:
- 7,454,879 lbs. of paper
- 873,756 lbs. of cardboard
- 95,831 lbs. of aluminum
- 160,954 lbs. of plastic
- 589,842 lbs. of mixed recyclables
- 242,406 lbs. of food waste
The environmental benefit to all that recycling is:
- conservation of 1.4 million gallons, or 33,720 barrels, of oil
- conservation of 26 million gallons of water
- conservation of over 63 billion BTU's of electricity
- conservation of 3,721 metric tons of greenhouse gas emissions
- conservation of 13,738 cubic yds. of landfill space
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