Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Treating "Earth Day" like a "Birthday"

I hope you are having a great Earth Day!

Here's what I'm doing to celebrate...I'm treating Earth Day like a Birthday!

You know how you feel on your birthday, how you hope your friends and family will do something nice for you, take it easy on you? Well, that's how I'm treating the Earth it's the Earth's birthday. I'm using less water, less energy, and doing my best not to throw anything in the garbage that will end up in a landfill. I'm doing little things to give the Earth a little break today.

I'd love to hear how you celebrated Earth Day! Tell me all about it!

Greenly yours,
Jill Buck


  1. I'm creating an Earth Day Vision Board and sharing the info with everyone at:
    Happy Bearth Day! joyce

  2. Cool, Joyce! Thanks for sharing! I'll encourage others to check out your site!
